Booking Confirmation & Payment
- Bookings can be made via the GoGo Healthy Kids website ( or by telephone. Your child’s registration form and payment will be processed by our staff. You will receive confirmation of your child’s registration via email and receipt of payment.
- All fees must be paid before the commencement of each term. If fees are not paid by this time your child may not attend any class. If you are having difficulty paying fees please contact GoGo Healthy Kids as payment plans can be arranged in special circumstances.
- Internet banking payments must include the invoice number or child’s name as payment reference.
- Cheques are payable to GoGo Sports and must be cleared by the bank prior to registration being confirmed. Please include your child’s name of the back of the cheque and the program they are registering for. For example William Smith, Morning Fitness Fun.
- For secured Credit Card payments go to: and click on 'pay online'. Please fill in your invoice number and login via PayPal.
Refunds And Cancellations
- Requests for refunds due to serious illness and/or injury must be made in writing to and accompanied by a medical certificate within ten (10) business days prior to the commencement of the program. Once the program has started refunds will not be given for partial attendance. Credit will be given which must be used within six (6) month towards another GoGo Healthy Kids program. Credit not used within six (6) months will be forfeited.
- Requests for refunds other than for serious illness and/or injury ten (10) business days prior to the commencement of the program will be considered on a case by case basis. GoGo Healthy Kids decision in all cases will be final.
- An administration fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) will be charged for all refunds approved by GoGo Healthy Kids.
- Refunds approved by GoGo Healthy Kids will be processed within ten (10) business days from the date of approval.
- GoGo Healthy Kids reserves the right to cancel any program or activity. Every effort will be made to give reasonable notice to those who have enrolled when a program is cancelled and a full refund will be given. In this case, an administration fee will not be charged.
Make-Up Class
- Subject to availability, you can make up one missed class per term. Make-up classes will be permitted if we have had prior notification of non-attendance and if there is space in another timeslot during that Term. Please contact the GoGo Healthy Kids office on 1300 482 209 or confirm available dates and times.
- If your child is unable to attend make-up class/es during the Term, you will be able to use the cost of your missed class/es towards our next scheduled school holiday camp.
Wet weather Policy
- In the event of wet weather we will inform with as much notice as possible via text (sms) if we will be cancelling your session. Make up classes will be available if there is space in another timeslot during the Term and only if we have confirmed that there is availability in that class.
- We run our sessions in wet weather or undercover – unless we are informed by the venue that the courts are not suitable for play.
- If your child is unable to make-up a cancelled class/es during the Term, you will be able to use the cost of your missed class/es towards our next school holiday camp.
- If a class is cancelled after the session has started due to inclement weather a make-up class will not be permitted if 50% of the session has been completed prior to the cancellation.
Change Of Venue
- We reserve the right to change the venue for any program at any time for any reason and we will endeavor to provide you with as much notice as possible.
- In the event of continuous inclement weather (wet weather/extreme heat) and/or unforseen venue unavailability (renovation/repairs/damage etc) you will be provided with as much notice as possible via text (sms) message if there will be a change of venue for your program.
- If your child is unable to attend the new venue, you will be able to use the cost of your missed class/es towards our next school holiday camp.
Coaching Appointments
- For child stability and comfort we will endeavor to keep the same coach/as for your child’s program for the duration of the Term.
- Due to certain circumstances such as coach illness, personal leave, cessation of employment or relocation we reserve the right to change the coach/es and will provide you with as much notice as possible.
Medical History
- You must complete the Medical condition section of our registration form.
- If your child has a medical condition you are strongly advised to seek a registered medical practitioner's advice before booking into a course.
- If your child has a medical condition and is unable to obtain clearance from a registered Medical practitioner then he/she cannot commence the course.
Limitation of Liability
GoGo Healthy Kids do not accept any liability for personal injury, property damage or loss sustained by any child as a result of his or her participation in a program due to any cause whatsoever subject to negligence of GoGo Healthy Kids, its director or employees.
Privacy Policy
- By enrolling your child/ren, you authorize GoGo Healthy Kids staff to use photographs of participants taken in our program for publicity and advertising.
- By enrolling your child/ren, you authorize GoGo Healthy Kids to retain enrolment information on a confidential database, which shall be removed only upon request.
- GoGo Healthy Kids reserves the right to refuse or terminate enrolment to any child who poses a disciplinary problem to our coaches or disrupts the learning of other children.
- By enrolling your child/ren, you authorise GoGo Healthy Kids staff to obtain such medical assistance as they see fit and you also agree to incur the expenses attached thereof.
- We reserve the right, to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time by changing the terms and conditions on our website.
Hope you all have a great term of sports!!
The GoGo Team